
Session Platform Engineering

Perils, Pitfalls and Pratfalls of Platform Engineering

Thursday Jun 15 / 04:10PM EDT

Platform engineering isn’t supposed to be just another name for SRE, DevOps, infrastructure, or backend software engineering teams; but if you aren’t careful, that’s what you’ll get.

Speaker image - Charity Majors

Charity Majors

CTO @Honeycombio, Previously engineer & manager @Facebook @Parse & @Linden Lab

Session Architecture

Reliable Architectures Through Observability

Wednesday Jun 14 / 02:55PM EDT

We want our systems to be reliable, but testing alone isn't enough. In a complex, multi-service system, it's impossible to test your way to correctness. That's why we need observability. Observability is the ability to see what our code is doing, in production and in development.

Speaker image - Kent Quirk

Kent Quirk

Staff Engineer @Honeycomb.io